An Explanation.

I love reading. Those who know me have probably seen me buried in a book at some point or other. When I was younger, and asked to clean my room, I'd do reasonably well until I got to my books. Then, in the process of straightening and dusting, I'd find an old favorite and lose myself again in its pages, completely forgetting that my parents would be coming to check on my progress sooner or later. (Sorry Mom & Dad!) Into adulthood, I've always had trouble parting with books, including textbooks, (unless they were completely awful, like my math book...) and I've found that the library has become a great friend to my overflowing shelves. Now, as I explore my local library's massive store of entertainment and knowledge, I'd like to share it with you. 

I won't pretend I'm terribly accomplished at writing reviews, but I'll do my best to refrain from sharing spoilers. :) Not all of what I read would I necessarily recommend to others. In fact, I often come across books to which I say, 'that'd be great for this person to read, if only it wasn't for this little bit...' I don't usually choose a book, or avoid a book, based on its swear words, level of propriety, or any other such thing. I read it if it seems interesting. If you want to read a book I've read, but you're not sure if it's for you, please ask me. I'll be fully honest about what you'll find within the pages. My tastes may not run parallel to everyones; I'd be surprised if they did. Still, I hope you enjoy what you find here, and perhaps find a few books to read in your free time.
