Julie and Julia.

I loved this movie. Here's the preview. I vaguely recall Julia Child's cooking show, having only seen it a few times, and not straight through. She was quoted often in my musical training, as a reference for using a nasal head voice, (C'mon, music geeks out there? Send up a cheer!) but unfortunately the underclassmen didn't even know who she was. (Blasphemy, I know.) Anyway, the movie is based on both her life, up to when she became famous, and the life of a blogger, Julie Powell, who cooked her way through Julia Child's first cookbook and blogged about it along the way. 

This movie inspired me to do two things. First of all, to cook regularly again, and second of all, to blog about said cooking. I've been lax, and saying I'd get back to it, continued to put it off.  While I can't predict the future, I can say this: I do so love to cook. This movie reminded me why. Why shouldn't I continue to share that with you?

There are a couple brief sex scenes (that reveal as little as is possible) and mild swearing, but otherwise, this movie is good 'clean' fun. Take a date night, go out with friends, or go by yourself, but GO. You'll love this movie.