
Wow, it's been a crazy summer. I feel as if I'm finally settling back into routine after three major trips, a couple illnesses, and a few other upheavals this summer. I remember really looking forward to this summer, looking forward to the weather, the farmers markets, the lovely fresh produce available, and the family time. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed all of that, and more. Suddenly though, fall is staring me in the face, and I feel as though I've missed something. As though I need to squeeze in one more smoothie, one more walk, a splash in the pool, something. I never made popsicles. :)

While I contemplate all of this, I anticipate what is ahead. Fall, my favorite season, with the leaves changing colors, light jackets and the occasional scarves needed, and a cool, clean crispness in the air. A season of apple pie, applesauce, apple cider...I can get carried away in apple season. :)

My hope is that I can squeeze every last drop of happiness out of summer, and fully enjoy fall and the coming winter as well. Too often I get caught up in the day to day trials, and I miss the changes God presents all around me. I hope to change that, and truly appreciate what He's shared.