
May has come and gone, and this site has remained undisturbed. My regular readers may be somewhat used to this, as my creativity, hand in hand with my free time, tends to come in fits and spurts. I am ever working on this, but in the meantime, thank you for being patient with me. :) 

This time around, I actually have a somewhat legitimate reason for not blogging. In May, my husband and I took the leap and bought a house! We are rather ridiculously excited. As of tomorrow, we will have been living here a full week.  It's a bit surreal, but yet, it almost instantly has felt like home, it fits us so well. Today I put in my garden, and tomorrow we will be setting up our first official guest room! (It's not air mattresses on the office floor anymore!)

In any case, due to all the craziness that is buying a house, packing, moving, and setting up our home, I've been absent. I hope to be back very soon with some fresh ideas and more kitchen basics. I may post a few pictures of our home as well, though I'm not promising anything as there are still boxes all over the place. See you soon!